Every recipe can be put into Categories to help describe it; you can also search for recipes in specific Categories. Mangia! provides five kinds of Categories, each of which has its own help entry. A recipe can have up to 15 labels of each kind, but none are required. Nationality: This notes the ethnic or national origin of the recipe, i.e. Chinese, Sicilian, or French. Course: The Course label should correspond to the role the recipe plays in a meal, i.e. soup, salad, or pasta. Cooking Method: The primary cooking method used to prepare the dish, i.e., grilled, fried, or baked, is recorded here. Season: When making holiday dishes or those that require fresh ingredients, it is often helpful to label a recipe by the time of year most appropriate for its cooking. Main Ingredient: Here you can note which ingredients play a major role in a dish. A salad, for instance might have “lettuce” for a Main Ingredient; a dessert might have “eggs” and/or “sugar.” While you must specify the first four kinds of Categories for each recipe by selecting Terms from the Dictionary, all it takes to note Main Ingredients is to simply mark them as such in an Ingredient List.